cari taylor cari taylor


Loneliness is not always self inflicted. In fact rarely is it something we enter into thinking it will be forever. Mostly I hear it as a space people wander into thinking they may spend some time alone, only to find lonely seeking them out, and winning them over with brief belief that only they exist. This happens in our medical world as well.

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cari taylor cari taylor


Abundance is what we tap into when in flow with life. It’s not about accumulation or excess it is about the acknowledgement of all things as everything and one. And our place amongst that, that continually feeds into it. That at no time are we ever NOT abundant when a part of the abundance that IS life.

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By Design
cari taylor cari taylor

By Design

Using the chess board as an example of the alternating black and white squares to be inspired to use frameworks of high rise and low rise - inspired by the natural canopy of the forest that holds overstay to leaf layer.  How we can allow a distance of 1km to be the most before seeing the sun amongst tall cities - so that light can be felt by all underneath it - amongst it.

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