More than a retreat….
Our Living System’s gatherings are a return,
a re-collection, a re-membering.
Using all the skills spoken about in the book, here we deeply witness and honour through observation, stillness, silence… to step into wisdom.
This wisdom arrives as ‘everywhen’.
Everywhen is the space that holds every moment, every lifetime at once in the now and all of this is waiting.

Promise yourself
Promise yourself that one day - you will enter such a space. A space that is holding you completely to just breathe, be and remember. A place that allows you to gather and collect all of you. Promise yourself you will know a stillness and silence so deep that it doesn’t fade even when moving amongst crowds. This isn’t fuss and fluff and fancy. This is comfort, falling onto a sofa and knowing you are home and willing to allow all things to emerge.
As we are a Living System we seek to embed within those retreats already growing seeking alignment as much as holding our own.
An offer is extended to already existing retreats that are seeking to expand their core experience and collaborate. It would be an honour to join in with you.
It is important to end here with intent.
That intent is around the land held in deep trust that will come forward seeking to be held for Life’s own expression and for the sabbatical of those wise enough and ready to step in and away for a time - for space - to fully evolve transmute and emerge.
When this time comes - you will be the first to know.