By Design

I am inspired by the architecture that unfolds with nature.

In listening to many talks on the building of cities to work alongside the Living System, we find so many similarities in how we can function as one.

Using the chess board as an example of the alternating black and white squares to be inspired to use frameworks of high rise and low rise - inspired by the natural canopy of the forest that holds overstay to leaf layer.  

How we can allow a distance of 1km to be the most before seeing the sun amongst tall cities - so that light can be felt by all underneath it - amongst it.  

I love how this can relate to the construct of a business as it can an eco housing building.

To leadership in all forms.  

With no more than a few layers of height being allowed so that those at the top can still be heard and seen by those at the bottom.  

How we can ask for management in a company to make sure they can be heard and seen by those working with them in other layers of their organisation.

How can we ask our leaders to stay connected to all layers of those they serve in order to truly know what is felt at every step?

That height can be used to an advantage when it is not used as a superior creation to benefit only those at the top, but used to deliver to those at the bottom.  

That in fact the top would never exist without the secure foundations of that which is beneath it.

That in this structure of Living Systems we can ask for more curiosity and questioning and building to create what works for all as one - in order to create better for all things.  

Constantly questioning from all levels of the system - does this work for you - is this working for you - what isn’t working for you ….

Never stop being inspired by life!

it holds the Living System that is the philosophy and foundation of how life creates and an amazing ethos to follow.

