It’s big. And it’s very real. So real I would go so far as to say it is the leading silent killer based on its very existence is about isolation, abandonment, disconnect, seclusion and all things deeply dark and reclusive.
Loneliness, is to our very being a destructive force. We do not come from a space of disconnect, nor thrive or survive in it. We do not belong to a space of isolation, it is detrimental to our existence on every level.
Loneliness is not just a state of mind, but a matter for the heart and the soul. It is without, when we exist to be within, amongst, a part of, connected to, together with. We exist in a both / and world as humans to life to animal to spirit.
Loneliness is not always self inflicted. In fact rarely is it something we enter into thinking it will be forever. Mostly I hear it as a space people wander into thinking they may spend some time alone, only to find lonely seeking them out, and winning them over with brief belief that only they exist. This happens in our medical world as well.
In a cells meltdown - we see that one cell - one cell - becomes damaged and locks itself away into thinking it is the only living cell - that then quickly tries to create and multiply itself to sustain life. This cell locks into a isolated space and in thinking it is all that is left it replicates itself in order to survive - this cell is known as cancer - and in many ways it is a lonely isolated cell - and it grows - all the while every other cell around it is thriving but the lonely damaged cell doesn’t know this - so desperate to build and create it in fact is creating its own destruction.
In this way - this is directly relatable to the lonely life - that we as one lonely being seek to create when we are isolated. Desperate to create and find something, yet lonely and isolated and separated from our true life. And both are dis-ease. Ravaging our bodies and minds.
In this lonely isolation we create a space of thinking and believing that we are alone and disconnected and we build walls of protection afraid to let in intruders for fear of harm and further isolation. Loneliness is a dark mist that pulls us in like quick sand.
As a human race we have also done this - in small groups - in isolated communities we have pulled away from each other and the only freedom from it is in reconnecting and creating community - just like in the body and the cells - as community is formed and found all things flourish and restore and rebalance.